Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mid Term!

1) I've learned hoe to use RSS feeds to quickly acquire information that interests me. I have also greatly improved at analyzing media in a way that is more productive, through using the power tools.

a)I gather more info if i note take while reading.
b)I can convey information in concise yet complete terms.
c)I can contribute to class conversation by using my knowledge of media.

3)I would spend more time with the power tools.

4) require more work directly with the power tools, like required assessments of movies so we can know were on the right track in preparing for the exam.

5)The course blog keeps me on top of my assignments as well as providing an interesting homework medium. My personal blog gives me the freedom to talk about any media that interests me as well as giving us a fun way to learn the power tools.


Tune in Tomorrow: An interesting film about a local radio station. engaging, and applicable to the course.

Reel Bad Arabs: Very easy to apply the power tools to. very good media example. Good Opinions backed up by evidence in Hollywood's depictions.

The Persuaders: The persuasive tools were very applicable to this film. it's break down of how advertisers get our attention is captivating.

SOTU: Great assignment, maybe require more with this because I really feel that it's one of the most important speeches of the year. Everyone should be aware of what the countries leader is up to, as well the state of said country.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Steve,

    GOOD midterm reflections and feedback.

    I am glad the course seems to be working for you!

    Re: your suggestion about POWER TOOLS - between the blogging and our in-class work, it seems we have ample opportunities to practice with the power tools. Hmmm. Let me give this some thought.

    Here's to a productive second half of the semester.

    Let's git 'er done,

